Think of this as an early warning for any summer or ski trip. Of course in Arizona any season is sunny.

Back in the 1960’s I would spend hours at a time covered with baby oil and iodine tanning at Jones Beach, Long Island, New York. My friends and I would wear the tiniest bathing suits allowed by the moms, and tan or burn our whitebread little bodies. Except for my closest friend Gwen. She was Puerto Rican and Jamaican, and beautifully dark already, with lots of freckles. She made me look absolutely pasty.

All of us wannabe “bronzed goddesses” are now dealing with wrinkles and/or skin cancers. Even Gwen.

Especially Gwen. She has malignant melanoma and is fighting for her life. Really. This is a true story.

FACT -- light or dark, if you freckle easily you are more at risk for skin cancer.

FACT -- one in five of us develops some type of skin cancer in the US. It is one of the deadliest types of cancer. Melanoma, a type of skin cancer, accounts for just 4% of skin cancer cases, but 79% of the deaths.

FACT -- redheads and blondes (the REAL ones – only you know the truth) are at more risk. And those with blue or green eyes (real again) are at higher risk.

FACT -- one of the strongest risk factors is a severe sunburn in childhood, regardless if you are black, white, or in between.

MYTH -- tanning beds are safe

FACT -- tanning beds use UVA light – the kind that ages skin quickly and causes nonmelanoma types of skin cancers. “Bottle tans” using skin dyes are safer but don’t protect you from the sun effectively and most make you smell like burnt toast!

FACT -- some medications like antibiotics that end in cycline and those containing sulfa, and birth control pills can make some people more prone to burning – also some perfumes and deodorants.

If you notice patchy skin color changes after being in the sun, use more protection. And check moles, birthmarks and blemishes for any changes. Always get a dermatology check for changes or sores that don’t heal.

Lynne Fiore, NP



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